Technical Support

Centroid Factory Direct Technical Support
$120.00 – $360.00
Professional experienced Centroid CNC control engineers will work with you to configure your CNC machine tool.
Centroid Factory Direct Technical Support is provided through Phone, E-mail, and the preferred and most effective method is remote support via TeamViewer.
After Purchasing Technical Support Fill out this Support Request form.
Then, Please call to schedule a one-on-one CNC Tech Support appointment. +1-814-353-9256 press 4. Mon-Fri 9-5 EST
Have your TeamViewer ID and password ready. See this forum post for how to setup Teamviewer.
The CNC Engineer will ask you for detailed Photos of the machine tool and of the control cabinet as photos are worth a thousand words. The best way to provide photos is to post them to a online photo album and send the link to the album to (Google photos is free and the preferred method.)
Tech Support Time is non-refundable, we will keep track of tech support time used and any unused time will remain in our system for future Tech Support Calls