Centroid CNC DIY Control Boards, great alternative to mach3, wincnc, motion control software
Five Axis Machining

Centroid CNC12 Ultimate Plus Software License for AcornSix

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Includes all the features of Ultimate, PLUS 6 axis simultaneous interpolated motion CNC software.

AcornSix can command all 6 axis drivers with or without this option. This option allows: Simultaneous Coordinated Interpolated motion of individual axes involving 5 or more axes which is a regulated technology by the US government. (If you are outside the US we will provide and ask you to sign two documents, a letter of assurance and a letter of certification for our records).
Most users do not require this feature. Don't confuse True interpolated 5+ axis motion with simply having 5 or more drive ports on the CNC control board that all can command and move 5 or more axes. AcornSix without this 6 axis simultaneous software is considered a 4+2 system. Which is: Fully interpolated motion for ANY four axis in ANY combination at ANY given time. For instance XYZW, XWAB, ABCW, ZWAB, XYAB, ZYAB, etc..

The Pro and Ultimate Software is not subscription based, once you purchase the License it is yours for life. Currently we are on CNC12, in the future we may release “CNC13” for instance and there may be a cost to upgrade the software at that point, but you would never lose access to what you already have.


See the "Features" tab for a detailed comparison of Free, Pro, and Ultimate Software Levels


Compatible with:
Features AcornSix Free v5.20+ AcornSix Pro v5.20+ AcornSix Ultimate v5.20+
  Free Version (no license required) Mill Pro, Lathe Pro, Router, Plasma Pro License Mill, Router, Plasma Ultimate License
User Configurable Touch Screen Virtual Control Panel (aka VCP) Included Included Included
Mill (Router uses Mill) and Lathe Intercon Conversational programming Limited to 20 blocks of conversational Unlimited Unlimited
Wireless MPG Pendant WMPG-4 or WMPG-6 support Not included Included Included
G-code program size Limited to 50Kb G-code file size Unlimited G-code file size Unlimited G-code file size
Work Coordinates Systems (WCS) One (G54) Eighteen (G54-G59 plus extended WCS)
starting with v5.08
Eighteen, (G54-G59 plus extended WCS)
Menu driven Probing cycles Center of bore Complete Set of menu driven probing cycles. Bore, Boss, Slot, Web, Inside Corner, Outside corner, Single edge find, find angle, auto probe for CSR Complete Set of menu driven probing cycles. Bore, Boss, Slot, Web, Inside Corner, Outside corner, Single edge find, find angle, auto probe for CSR
Menu driven Digitizing cycles Grid, Radial, Contour, Wall following, limited to 2500 points Grid, Radial, Contour, Wall following, limited to 2500 points Unlimited point Grid, Radial, Contour, Wall following
Auto Tool Height Measurement Unlimited auto measure on:
Reference Tool & Tools 1,2,3
Unlimited auto measure on all tools. Unlimited auto measure on all tools.
Support for "Probe App" by swissi No Yes Yes
Coordinate System Rotation Yes Yes Yes
Auto find CSR with Probe No Yes Yes
Manual find CSR with Probe or Wiggler Yes Yes Yes
Manual enter angle for CSR Yes Yes Yes
Tool Library 10 Tools 200 Tools, (99 Tools Lathe) 200 Tools Mill, (99 Tools Lathe)
Sub Programs and Macros (M98 & G65)
Write your own custom marcos, many uses
Included Included Included
Cutter Compensation G41/G42 Included Included Included
Backlash Compensation Included Included Included
Screw compensation (laser or manual!) Included Included Included
3 axis simultaneous Included Included Included
4 th Axis linear or rotary conversational programming. limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Operate as a 2 axis CNC with Manual Quill Included Included Included
Operate as a 2 or 1 axis CNC control Included Included Included
Any axis can be Linear or Rotary Included Included Included
Slave Linear to Rotary axis or vise verse Not Included Included Included
Inverse Time Motion Included Included Included
Supported Axes Labels

X,Y,Z,U,V,W,A,B,C Mill/Router/Plasma
X,Y,Z,C,A,B Lathe

X,Y,Z,U,V,W,A,B,C Mill/Router/Plasma
X,Y,Z,C,A,B Lathe
X,Y,Z,U,V,W,A,B,C Mill/Router/Plasma
X,Y,Z,C,A,B Lathe
Multi Axis Lathe interpolated motion No Included Included

Spindle Encoder feedback,w/ RPM display

Included Included Included
Spindle RPM display with single pulse per rev sensor Included Included Included
Axis Scale input for position DRO display Included Included Included
Axis Scale input for position correction No No Included
XY axis deskew Included Included Included
Mill Rigid Tapping Not Included Included Included
Lathe Threading Not included Included Included
Lathe Automatic CSS Not Included Included Included
Lathe Rigid Tapping Not included Included Included
Lathe Automatic Tool Measurement Unlimited auto measure on:
Tools 1,2,3
Unlimited auto measure on all tools. Unlimited auto measure on all tools.
Lathe C axis Not Included Not included Included
G81 drilling cycles Included Included Included
Compression Tapping Gcode Cycles Included Included Included
Mill G-code scaling and mirroring Included Included Included
True G-code backplot graphics Included Included Included
Run Time Program Graphics Included Included Included
Smart Search (stop and restart at any point) Included Included Included
Backlash compensation Included Included Included
CNC Configuration Wizard Included Included Included
Menu driven Part and Tool setup menus Included Included Included
Intercon Teach Mode Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Drilling cycles: Drilling, Deep Hole, Chip Breaking Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Pocketing: Circular,Rectangular, Irregular Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Contouring Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Threadmilling Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Conversational Compression Tapping Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Auto Connect Radius Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Lathe Cycles. Auto profile cleanout, grooving, cutoff, chamfer, turning, end face turning, Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon Math/Geometry Help Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Unlimited Unlimited
Intercon DXF Import for Mill and Router. Yes, Limited to 20 blocks of Intercon Yes, Mill, Router Yes, Mill, Router
Operate in Millimeter or Inches Yes Yes Yes
XY Diagonal Jogging Yes Yes Yes
4th axis Jogging Yes Yes Yes
Software Axis Pairing
(pair 4th axis any other axis in software)
No Yes Yes
Two sets of software Axis Pairing
Example: First axis paired with 4th, Second axis paired with 5th.
No Yes Yes
Auto Squaring of Software Paired axis with auto homing No Yes Yes
Hardware Axis Pairing Yes Yes Yes
4 axis Simultaneous G-code moves: No, "Free" is limited to 3 axis of simultaneous moves with single axis 4th,5th,6th axis moves. Yes, 4 axis simultaneous movement
with full interpolation. (interpolated moves for any four axes in combination with any others including paired axes.This is 4+2*)
Yes, 4 axis simultaneous movement
with full interpolation. (interpolated moves for any four axes in combination with any others including paired axes.This is 4+2*)
Simultaneous 5 axis drive moves with one paired axes No, "Free" is limited to 3 axis of simultaneous moves with single axis 4th,5th,6th axis moves. Yes, 4 axis simultaneous movement
with full interpolation.(software paired axes are considered 1 axis as it has one label) This is 4+2*.
Yes, 4 axis simultaneous movement
with full interpolation.(software paired axes are considered 1 axis as it has one label)
This is 4+2*.
Simultaneous 6 axis drive moves with two paired axes No, "Free" is limited to 3 axis of simultaneous moves with single axis 4th,5th,6th axis moves. Yes, 4 axis simultaneous movement
with full interpolation.(software paired axes are considered 1 axis as it has one label)
Yes, 4 axis simultaneous movement
with full interpolation.(software paired axes are considered 1 axis as it has one label)
non paired (individual axes) 5 and 6 axis Simultaneous G-code moves: No, "Free" is limited to 3 axis of simultaneous moves with single axis 4th, 5th, 6th axis moves. Requires purchase of 6 axis simultaneous interpolated motion software. Requires purchase of Ultimate Plus.
ATC (BCD) Tool Changer Output No Included Included
Rack Mount ATC setup Wizard No Yes Yes
ATC Programs for Lathe Turret No Yes Yes
CNC Setup Wizard with auto PLC
program generation
Included Included Included
CNC12 Color Picker (create,save and share CNC12 software color themes) Included Included Included
PLC Detective Software Included Included Included
Use one input for all axis Homing an or Limits Included Included Included
Contour ShuttleXpress Support Included Included Included
Xkeys, Xbox and other USB keyboard emulator support Included Included Included
Laser Engraving and Cutting Yes Yes Yes
PWM output for Laser power Yes Yes Yes
PWM output for Spindle speed control Yes Yes Yes
Laser power Velocity modulation Yes Yes Yes
Spindle VFD +-10, 0-10, +- 5, 0-5 VDC analog output Yes Yes Yes


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